We did a trip to the Mamanuca Islands on the Seaspray. We did some snorkeling on the Island of Monuriki (which is apparently where the Tom Hanks movie Cast Away was filmed), and visited a Fijian village on the Island of Yanuya, where we took part in a Kava ceremony. The Kava looked like muddy water, and tasted a bit like it too, but not all together unpleasant. It didn't have much of an effect, we needed more than one cup!
We did some sight seeing on some hired scooters, which was a lot of fun, except for the cover of grime we gathered after being stuck behind trucks spewing out Diesel exhaust. We rode up to Lautoka (which is North of Nadi) and back, and also rode around Nadi itself.
There was lots of swimming and kayaking etc., and just a few drinks here and there too. I really liked the local Fiji Bitter beer!
A good time was had by all! See some photos at: